How to create a new Outlook profile for Microsoft 365

Modified on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 at 09:46 AM

Create a new Outlook profile in Outlook 2013, 2016, or 2019 with your Office 365 account.

1. Find the Control Panel from your Start Menu


2. Open the Control Panel

    Note: If not all items are showing, please sort the Control Panel by viewing Small or Large icons

3. Open Mail

4. For Office2016 and 2019, open Mail (Microsoft Outlook 2016)


5. Click on Show Profiles...

6. Add a new profile using the Add button.

6. Give the new profile a name and click OK. You can name it anything you want

7. Confirm your email address

8. Click Next


9. If necessary, enter your password

10. Click Finish


Optional: Check the box, "Set up Outlook Mobile on my phone, too"

Optional: Remove the old profile (it just takes up disk space if left there)

11. Before closing the Mail settings window, please confirm you are using the new profile, finally click OK


12. You may now open Outlook as normal and your new Microsoft 365 profile will be active.

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